Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Advertise with The Anthropological Times!

The Anthropological Times
An Anthropological, Archaeological, and Historical Reference and News site.

Why advertise with The Anthropological Times? BECAUSE IT’S TARGETED TO LOCAL CONSUMERS OF YOUR PRODUCT!
An Archaeologist and Educator I meet often with local school classes Grades K-12, scouting groups, clubs and organizations. During each presentation The Anthropological Times is touted as a reference and information site and handouts are passed out with the site address.
Demographics: Your demographic base will be the higher educated parents of, and children aged six through eighteen. The nature of the site allows for and dictates viewers of the higher educated. As such their parents will quite naturally wish to be involved in their education. The result is individuals of a higher income level view your ad.
Why advertise with The Anthropological Times? BECAUSE IT WORKS!
In a recent study by BIA/Kelsey and comScore 90% of all local consumers surveyed indicated that they relied upon search engine results to help them make their product and service purchasing decisions.
It’s an effective simple formula: Local consumers and their parents go to the web site see your ad and buy your product!
How well does effective advertising work: Recently Frito-Lay did a series of experiments designed to test the effectiveness of advertising across brands. What they discovered was that average volume increase with effective ads was a healthy 15%.
Why advertise with The Anthropological Times? WORLDWIDE EXPOSURE!
While the site is targeted to a local audience because it’s on the web it offers worldwide exposure. When someone searches the web for information they are directed to sites that provide the information they seek. However, the methodology used to direct the searcher is multifaceted.
All search engines use an ever-changing complex algorithm to determine exactly what results to show. While the exact formula is kept secret our testing and independent research indicate that the following are critical elements in these algorithms:
1). The quality of your webpage content.
2). The relevance of your webpage content to the search term.
3). How your webpage is constructed (title, keyword density, linking structure).
4). Page loading speed. 
5). The number and quality of other webpages linking to your webpage. 
The Anthropological Times was specifically designed and created with these factors in mind. The result is not only does a local targeted audience see your ad but for the same low price you reach a worldwide audience.
MYTH: You don’t have the money to advertise. FACT: YOU DON'T HAVE THE MONEY NOT TO ADVERTISE!
Don't believe me look at this article on General Mills This is the same General Mills who when the GREAT DEPRESSION began INCREASED their advertising budget. At the time they were in an all-out fight with Post for the cereal buying public's dollars. Post decided due to the economic climate they would pull back on advertising - and the rest is history.
Why advertise with The Anthropological Times? It’s Simple, It’s Effective, and It’s Affordable! 
It’s simple because all you have to do is email an example of what you want your ad to look like and we’ll take it   there. It’s effective because your ad is targeted to the local buying public. It’s affordable with contracts starting at $100.00 per month.
Want to learn more about advertising with us? Email us and someone will get back right back to you:
Simple Rate Card
In keeping with the philosophy that advertising with us is easy we have devised a simple easy to use rate card.    
1 Year Contract
$50.00 per month
6 Month Contract
$75.00 per month
3 Month Contract
$100.00 per month
TOP ROLL PREMIUM                                 AD PLACEMENT
1 Year Contract
$60.00 per month
6 Month Contract
$85.00 per month
3 Month Contract
$110.00 per month

Email or call us to get started!

Bill Yates, Archaeologist / Educator